Thursday, March 17, 2011

My latest adventures

It never ends. Life that is. and my lack of motivation is probably the only thing that has inspired me to write a post. I haven't in a couple days, wow since before the weekend! Oh Boy what a weekend it was. Unfortunately i have currently misplace my camera and was not able to take any pictures this past weekend. Booooo ... i know. Friday was my cousins b-day so me and my sister took her out for a much needed Mexican feast where we made the waiters sing and embarrass my poor 30yr old cousin! yes she just turned thirty!!! Also the singing had scared the wits out of poor lil johnny, and baby Lucas slept through it all!
Saturday was a day of fun too. We celebrated the same cousins birthday, only this time it was a big surprise at Maggiano's restaurant. YUMMY! It was so delicious and a great time had by all. ( apparently its becoming a tradition to do big dinners for our big 3 0's)
Sunday was the funnest of them all!! It was the annual Philadelphia St Patrick's Day Parade! We drank, we waited, we searched for bathrooms in the city, we marched, we drank, we partied, AND I won a basket of cheer from our door prizes!!!! that was exciting for me. Lots of Wine!!!! haha the hubby was impressed i hadn't dug into it already. Partly because it's still in my moms car, I was not carrying that all the way home via public transportation! So needless to say when Monday rolled around I crashed and burned, meaning i slept all day! My friends thought i died. I turned my phone off set up camp on the living room floor ( so you know i'm close to the action "just in case" you never know with a two yr old boy) and worshiped the sleep gods! So on Tuesday I was all sorts of screwed up with date and time. Now its thursday and I'm feeling so blah. I basically cleaned for the last two days and since it was gorgeous out yest. the hubs took me and lil slug a bug for a ride on the T-rex. We go back to the river and go puddle hunting and then ride through them and get all dirty. ( i swear we live like city red necks) But it was so much fun! The baby boy was like the little pig on the commercial that won't stop "" yeah that was johnny.
anyway so since the first weekend of activities is done and over with time to move on to the rest of the months events. My goals for today! make menu and grocery lists or my sister's bridal shower! thats still on the DL, even though my mother is nuts and almost blew it. Thanky ou Aunt Loraine for saving the day and my mother's butt. So until next time Adios!

                                                        Parade Day! thats me front and center!!
coming soon pictures of my DIY decorations for the Shower!!

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