SO I've been inspired!!
I love getting a new magazine and sitting down and actually being able to read from front to back. I mean its sad to think that i don't get to buy a magazine that often or buy new books, I simply don't have a budget for them. So i usually turn to the internet to look up magazine websites and read (stalk ) blogs that I love. But I have to say nothing is better then going back to my roots of inspiration hence the magazines and books. I could get a library card, of course, but you see my library is very small and hardly gets anything new in stock, sad to say.
SO today I got two new magazines for August, Everyday by Rachel Ray and Everyday Food, a Martha Stewart magazine. well I've been reading and had to take a break because I have waves and waves of inspiration flowing through me. I want to go out and cook everything in those pages. But instead I practice some self control and thought about my budget and shopping list I wrote previously. You see there is something lacking in my blog posts that i finally see clearly now.
I Do Not Represent Myself as Truly as I thought I would.
Instead I have kept my blog simple, wordy with my thoughts, my crazy thoughts that run over and over through my head. I think I finally want to start being myself on my blog as well as in real life. Be true to myself and be true to anyone who chooses to stop by and read.
I want to be able to inspire as much as others have inspired me.
Other women bloggers, magazine chiefs and articles, and everywhere in between.
I think I finally found my blogging niche I kept reading about when I first started this blog.
So to get back to my original reason of post before tearing into another deep thought, I have been inspired to try and find the easiest, cheapest, healthiest recipes or me and my family. SO a blog or two ago I wrote a menu up and was going to stick to it, but I wrote the menu before knowing my budget for the week. Stupid for me to do but its what I always do and then I switch things up.
Yeah I write a ton of lists on a daily basis, I believe it keeps me sane.
So I move on today to rewrite my shopping list and menu and try to stick to the cheapest, easiest, healthiest recipes for everyone in my family to enjoy.
I do intend on cashing in on the zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, and corn this week considering they are whats in season.
I challenge myself to be true, to be real, to write what I really feel and don't hold back.
I challenge myself to meet my menu and recipe goals and share with all of you.
Finally, I challenge myself to be successful in what I'm trying to do here. ( Be an Inspiration!)
A 4th of July prayer for you all... Enjoy your festivities!
Heavenly Father, purify in all the people of this land their love for the nation according to the mind of your Son Jesus Christ, who knew what was good for the peace of His land and people. May everyone strive by word and action to foster peace among the people of all social classes and creeds, so that, living in harmony and justice, they may be a Christian light to other nations, such as your Son would have them be.
From The Catholic Prayer Book compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley